Grus Constellation: The Ultimate Guide

Grus (The crane)

Grus is one of the constellations located in the southern celestial hemisphere. Its name comes from Latin and means "Crane."

The constellation Grus was first introduced in 1580 by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius.

The constellation Grus covers an area of 366 square degrees. In this way, it occupies 45th place in size among all the constellations.

The brightest star in the constellation Grus is Al Nair (α Gruis / α Gru), with an apparent magnitude of +1.73.

The constellation Grus is home to deep-sky objects such as galaxies and nebulae.

There is no occurrence of any meteor showers within the constellation's boundaries. adaption of a painting of Grus Constellation from Uranographia celestial atlas by Johannes Hevelius. adaption of a painting of Grus Constellation from Uranographia celestial atlas by Johannes Hevelius.

The Mythology And History Of The Grus Constellation

Grus is classified as one of the 88 modern constellations. It has no associated history in ancient Western cultures because it was not visible in those regions.

Grus is not a very bright constellation, and most of its stars cannot be seen with the naked eye, so it was necessary to wait for telescopes to be invented.

Early Modern Period

The starry night sky over the gothic cathedral from the Early Modern Period.The starry night sky over the gothic cathedral from the Early Modern Period.

The stars of the constellation Grus were first defined as a separate constellation by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius.

Petrus created 12 new constellations, including Grus, based on observations of the southern sky by Dutch explorers Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman.

Dirkszoon and Houtman sailed to the East Indies on the first Dutch commercial expedition, known as Eerste Schipvaart. There were no records of stellar observations.

The constellation Grus first appeared on a celestial globe 35 centimeters in diameter, published in 1598 in Amsterdam by the cartographers Plancius and Jodocus Hondius.

His first appearance in a celestial atlas was in the Uranometry of the German cartographer Johann Bayer of 1603. He was depicted with the figure of a Flemish.


People with 3d glasses watch a movie about space in a 3D cinema theater.People with 3d glasses watch a movie about space in a 3D cinema theater.

In 1922 the International Astronomical Association added the constellation Grus to the 88 official night sky constellations. Since then, it has not undergone significant modifications in its boundaries.

Currently, Grus covers an area of 366 square degrees. It ranks 45th in size among the 88 constellations in the night sky.

How To Find The Grus Constellation?

Visibility By Region

World map with latitudes showing the visibility of the Grus Constellation in the Southern and Northern hemispheres.World map with latitudes showing the visibility of the Grus Constellation in the Southern and Northern hemispheres.

Grus resides in the fourth quadrant of the Southern Hemisphere (SQ4) between latitudes 34° N and 90° S, which means that we can see the constellation in the night sky from all countries of the southern hemisphere of the earth and some countries of the northern hemisphere.

Grus is visible in South America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.

Grus is not visible in regions above 34° N such as Canada, most of Europe such as Italy, France or Germany, or Russia, Greenland, Japan, and Alaska.

Visibility By Season

Grus is a constellation close to the south pole, so it is visible almost all year round; however, October is the best month to visualize it.

The constellation Grus is visible during autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere.

Finding Grus Constellation

The shape and the main stars of Grus constellation alongside the neighboring constellations in outer space.The shape and the main stars of Grus constellation alongside the neighboring constellations in outer space.

The constellation Grus is small but has stars of the first magnitude that can be seen with the naked eye.

The easiest way to locate the constellation Grus is with the help of the star Fomalhaut.

If we draw a straight line from the star Fomalhaut towards the south celestial pole, we will find the two brightest stars of Grus, Alnair and Beta Gruis. From here, we can easily recognize the rest of the constellation.

Related Constellations

The location of the Grus Constellation is displayed in a star map by IAU from the Sky & Telescope magazine.The location of the Grus Constellation is displayed in a star map by IAU from the Sky & Telescope magazine.

The constellations bordering Grus are Piscis Austrinus, Microscopium, Indus, Tucana, Phoenix, and Sculptor.

In addition, Grus belongs to the Johann Bayer family of constellations; these include Apus, Chamaeleon, Dorado, Hydrus, Indus, Musca, Pavo, Phoenix, Tucana, and Volans.

Stars in Grus Constellation

The constellation Grus officially contains 55 stars, of which 12 form the main figure of the constellation, these are Alnair, Gruid, Aldhanab, Epsilon Gruis, Iota Gruis, Delta-1 Gruis, Zeta Gruis, Delta-2 Gruis, Theta Gruis, Lambda Gruis, Mu-1 Gruis and Rho Gruis.

Al Nair (α Gruis / α Gru)

It is the brightest star in the constellation Grus, with an apparent magnitude of +1.73. It is 103 light-years from the solar system.

Al Nair is a hot bluish-white subgiant of spectral type B7IV, whose effective temperature is 13,500 K. It is as luminous as 380 suns and has a radius 3.3 times larger than solar.

Beta Gruis (β Gru / HD 214952 / HR 8636)

Ees is the second brightest star in the constellation Of Grus with an apparent magnitude of +2.07. It is located at a distance of 170 light-years from the earth.

Beta Gruis is a cold red giant of 3400 K of surface temperature and spectral type M5III. Its luminosity is about 3900 times greater than the Sun and has a diameter of 0.8 AU; that is, in the place of the Sun, it would extend beyond the orbit of Venus.

Other Grus Stars:

  • γ Gruis (Aldhanab): A blue-white giant star of magnitude 3.01.
  • δ Gruis: A binary star consisting of δ 1 Gruis, a yellow giant of magnitude 3.97, and δ 2 Gruis, a red and irregular variable giant of magnitude 4.12.
  • ε Gruis: A  white subgiant star of magnitude 3.49.
  • μ Gruis: Binary star consisting of μ 1 Gruis and μ 2 Gruis; both are giants of magnitude 4.81 and 5.12, respectively.
  • ο Gruis: White-yellow star of magnitude 5.54.
  • π Gruis: A semi-irregular variable S-type star surrounded by an envelope, or π 2 Gruis, a white-yellow star.
  • τ Gruis: Triple star system consisting of τ1 Gruis, a yellow star 109 light-years from Earth where an extrasolar planet has been discovered, τ2 Gruis,  a binary star composed of two yellow dwarfs, and τ3 Gruis, an Am star with an irregular light spectrum.
  • φ Gruis: White-yellow star of magnitude 5.55.

Deep Sky Objects

The Cygnus Loop nebula is shining red in outer space.The Cygnus Loop nebula is shining red in outer space.

Grus is also home to a couple of deep-sky objects. Deep-sky objects often mean star clusters, nebulae (interstellar cloud bodies), or galaxies.

In the case of Grus has galaxies and nebulae, some of these are:

Spiral galaxy NGC 7424

It is a barred spiral galaxy located 37.5 million light-years from the solar system. It is the most notable deep-sky object in the constellation Grus. It is about 100,000 light-years in size, similar to the Milky Way galaxy.

It is also called the "grand design" galaxy because of its well-defined spiral arms. A supernova and two ultraluminous X-ray sources have been discovered in NGC 7424.

Nebula IC 5148

It is a planetary nebula of colors close to violet located about 3000 light-years away. IC 5148 is expanding at 50 kilometers per second, one of the fastest planetary nebulae.

Other Deep Sky Object in Grus Constellation:

  • Grus Quartet: It is a set of four galaxies (NGC 7552, NGC 7590, NGC 7599, and NGC 7582) that interact. These four galaxies are part of the IC Group 1459.
  • NGC 7213: It is a Seyfert type 1 front galaxy located approximately 71.7 million years ago.


  • Grus is a constellation located primarily in the southern hemisphere. The name of the constellation Grus comes from Latin and means "Crane."
  • The constellation Columba lies between latitudes 34° N and 90° S. The best month to observe the constellation is in October.
  • The easiest way to locate the constellation Grus is with the help of the star Fomalhaut.
  • If we draw a straight line from the star Fomalhaut towards the south celestial pole, we will find the two brightest stars of Grus, Alnair and Beta Gruis. From here, we can easily recognize the rest of the constellation.
  • The brightest star in the constellation Grus is Al Nair (α Gruis /α Gru), with an apparent magnitude of +1.73.
  • The most notable deep sky body in the constellation Grus is the spiral galaxy NGC 7424.

Frequently asked questions

How to find the Grus constellation?

If we draw a straight line from the star Fomalhaut towards the south celestial pole, we will find the two brightest twins of Grus, Alnair and Beta Gruis. From here, we can easily recognize the rest of the constellation.

When is the Grus constellation visible?

Grus is a constellation close to the south pole, so it is visible almost all year round; however, October is the best month to visualize it. The constellation Columba is visible during autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and in Spring in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where can we see the Grus constellation visible?

Grus resides between 34° N and 90° S latitudes, visible in America, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. Grus is not visible in regions above 34° N such as Canada, most of Europe such as Italy, France or Germany, Russia, Greenland, Japan, and Alaska.

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