Test 2 column

Unfortunately, you cannot buy a star and name it with International Astronomical Union, because as a scientific body they do not sell stars to customers. You can only name a star as a gift using online registration services.

  1. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides a star naming service, therefore this becomes a matter of private entities to offer this.

  2. There are no national or international laws that would prohibit such transactions to take place, because nor IAU nor any other “official” body has legal rights on star names. Accordingly, this is 100% legal, otherwise such service providers would be denied to promote themselves on the internet or receive payments.
  3. IAU will not recognize your star name, since they only recognize around 300+ star names and various catalog names. Since they do not deal with naming stars for customers, this also is not their competence to acknowledge or deny this.
  4. The star you would name with private company will be from one and the same catalog that IAU uses, so that will be a specific star that can be seen in the nightsky.
  5. Limited amount (around 300+) of most brightest stars already have astronomical names from IAU, therefore our ream at Starregistration.net is strict with offering registrations only for stars that do not have IAU names or names of other customers. For example, we could not offer you to name a Northern Star as it has a name, and that name is Polaris.

  1. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides?
    a star naming service, therefore this becomes a matter of private entities to offer this.

  2. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides?
    There are no national or international laws that would prohibit such transactions to take place, because nor IAU nor any other “official” body has legal rights on star names. Accordingly, this is 100% legal, otherwise, such service providers would be denied to promote themselves on the internet or receive payments.
  3. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides?
    IAU will not recognize your star name, since they only recognize around 300+ star names and various catalog names. Since they do not deal with naming stars for customers, this also is not their competence to acknowledge or deny this.
  4. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides?
    The star you would name with a private company will be from one and the same catalog that IAU uses, so that will be a specific star that can be seen in the night sky.
  5. Neither IAU nor any other official body provides?
    Limited amount (around 300+) of brightest stars already have astronomical names from IAU, therefore our ream at Starregistration.net is strict with offering registrations only for stars that do not have IAU names or names of other customers. For example, we could not offer you to name a Northern Star as it has a name, and that name is Polaris.